Is My New Septic Tank Working Properly? What to Look out For in Cortlandt and Bedford NY Areas

Is My New Septic Tank Working Properly? What to Look out For in Cortlandt and Bedford NY Areas

As a homeowner who is not familiar with a septic system as a waste removal method, you might worry that you won’t know when it is working properly. Understanding how this environmentally safe system functions can help you to identify the rare instances when it needs professional attention but rest assured that there are very basic steps you should take to keep your Cortlandt and Bedford, NY, area septic system in great shape. 

Related: What Is A Septic Tank, And How To Tell It's In Need Of Repair In Armonk NY

How a Septic Tank Works

When you live in a city or right outside of the city, the waste flows from your house and into the city sewage system but what happens when you live too far outside of the city for access? This is where a septic system saves the day.

When you flush anything down the drain or from the toilet, the waste flows through pipes and into an airtight tank that holds everything. There it separates into layers with the solids falling to the bottom of the tank where they are decomposed by natural microorganisms. The liquids sit in the middle to filter out of a pipe where they disperse back into the ground and the top layer is the sludge, grease and oils that won’t decompose. 

This entire process occurs with no help from anything but excellent engineering and the force of gravity, making it environmentally green and efficient.

Signs the Septic is Working Well

No gurgling: When the washing machine drains or the toilet is flushed, you should hear only the swoosh of water. If you hear no sounds of gurgling, this can mean that your system is working well and disposing of the waste materials in a correct way.

No back-ups: After a shower or bath when the water is draining at a normal pace, your septic system is in good shape. If the toilet backs up when it is flushed or the drains are slow, this can be a sign of trouble that needs attention.

No smells: Because a septic system is designed to be airtight, there should be no smells at all to alert you that the waste is being removed. If you start to smell a foul odor or notice a stinky smell outside of your home, this can be an indication that a problem is at hand and should be investigated.

Signs the Septic is NOT Working Well

There are several signs that can alert you that your septic system needs professional assessment. First, if the toilets are backing up, the drains are slow, and the washing machine gurgles as it empties, you need to call a professional.

Second, when you have flushed things that should not be disposed of through the septic system such as kitty litter, feminine products, cigarette butts, grease from cooking, and coffee grounds, they can clog pipes to cause a back-up that must be cleared professionally.

Third, if you notice any foul odors inside or outside, this needs attention. Finally, if you notice that there is bright, green grass growing (especially when there has been no rain) over where the septic tank is located, this can mean the tank has a leak and needs intervention.

The vast majority of the time, your Cortlandt and Bedford, NY, area septic system will operate like a well-oiled machine, providing reliable waste removal for many years.

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