6 Things to Consider When Performing a Septic Installation or Septic Repair Right Now in Tarrytown NY

6 Things to Consider When Performing a Septic Installation or Septic Repair Right Now in Tarrytown NY

When you know you need Tarrytown, NY, septic repair or a new septic tank, there are safety and professional considerations that should be observed as part of the process. Hiring the right septic expert for the job can make the entire experience better and more secure. Here are some things to know before you contact a professional.

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Septic Installation

Since the septic system can be so critical to your home running smoothly, there are factors that can influence this waste management process.

Type of System: There are different types of septic systems that are dependent on the terrain and slope of your property. The gravity septic system tends to be the most common as it needs no pump but operates on the flow of gravity to do the work. A pressure distribution system is often used when the flow of waste must travel uphill or is too far away from the house for gravity to perform the job. An aerobic treatment system can function like a sewage treatment system by using an aerobic process for digestion while the gravity system uses an anaerobic process.

Tank Size: The size of the tank depends on how many people live in the home as it must be large enough to accommodate multiple showers, washing clothes, and washing dishes.

Property: A septic system functions best in a level terrain and the septic expert chooses where the tank and drain field will be placed for maximum success. You want each part of the septic process to function well. 

Septic Repair

While a septic system can be an amazingly self-sufficient waste removal system, there will be times when it needs attention and even repair.

Clogged Pipes: In general there can be two main reasons why pipes clog in a septic system. The first is that tree roots have grown into a crack in a pipe, clogging the flow within. Another reason for clogged pipes can be grease and oils that have been flushed down the drain have built up with food scraps to form a clog.

Full Tank: Over time the septic tank can fill up but the solids are not decomposing like they should and the tank must be pumped to remove the extra waste so the process can begin once more. 

Flushing the Wrong Things: There are some things that should never be flushed such as baby diapers, feminine products, cigarette butt, kitty litter, and grease from frying foods. These items cannot be broken down inside the tank, clogging the pipes and causing the tank to stay too full.

Septic installation and repair are not easy to do, especially when the waste is backing up into your home and causing serious problems. When searching for a septic specialist, choose the one with longevity of experience and a focus on customer care. If they do a great job for others, it is like they will do the same for you.

No Tarrytown, NY, septic repair or new system should be recommended until a thorough assessment is complete. Extensive knowledge of engineering and septic plans combined with cutting-edge diagnostic technology can allow the eight septic service to determine the problem and identify the most efficient, quick, and informed solution to get your home back to normal.

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