5 Warning Signs That You Need a Septic System Replacement in Tarrytown and Chappaqua, NY

5 Warning Signs That You Need a Septic System Replacement in Tarrytown and Chappaqua, NY

If your toilet is overflowing regularly and your sink drains slowly, this can be a warning sign that you need to replace your Tarrytown and Chappaqua, NY, septic system. Here are the signs you shouldn’t ignore about your septic system.

Related: Everything You Need To Know About Septic Tank Installation In Tarrytown And Chappaqua NY Areas


Within your home, there are some warning indicators that you could have a septic issue. 

Slow drains: One of the ways you can tell you have a problem that needs professional attention is if your drains are flowing slower than normal or backflowing when you try to wash dishes or clothes. If the show and tub drains take too much time to empty, this can be a warning sign that your septic system needs attention. 

Bad smells: Because the septic tank is an airtight structure buried under the ground, you should never smell foul odors in your home from your septic system. If you do, this can signal a problem that needs immediate attention as your system has a definite breach. You shouldn’t smell any odors from the drains either in a correctly functioning system. 


These signs in your landscape can indicate a septic problem that you need to have your septic specialist investigate. 

Bright, green patches of grass: If you notice a bright, green patch of grass that stands out from the rest of the lawn, this can indicate a leaking pipe or a cracked septic tank. It is not normal for the lawn to have such a different height and color of grass and this can mean that your system is not functioning as it should. 

Standing puddles of water: When you see a puddle in your landscape but there has been no rain, this can be another indicator that something is wrong with your septic system. If there is a rainstorm, it can be common to have puddles of water in the landscape. What is not common and is a warning sign is when there are puddles and no rainstorm. 

Foul odor: With the enclosed septic tank, there are no odors that should escape. If you smell foul odors when you go out into your yard, this is a sign that you need to contact your septic professional right away. 

When You Need a Professional

Since your septic system is a crucial component of your home, your septic professional understands that keeping it in excellent working order is central to the health and well-being of your family. This is why a reliable septic service won’t recommend a repair until the full solution has been found. When searching for a septic professional, you need one with extensive knowledge of engineering and septic plans along with cutting-edge technology that allows them to proceed with confidence. 

Your professional knows the safety compliance standards for septic systems and can coordinate with county health officials to ensure that you have a repair or replacement that passes inspection. A licensed service can give you the assurance that they are accountable to local and state standards and high-tech diagnostics are what you need to protect your property until a full solution has been established. Diagnostics allow them to “see” what is beneath the ground before they dig, maintaining the integrity of your property until you are satisfied with the solution.

Related: Why Septic System Repair And Replacement Is So Important In Westchester County