New Homeowner? Here Are 5 Signs That You May Need a Septic Repair Soon in Chappaqua and Armonk, NY

New Homeowner? Here Are 5 Signs That You May Need a Septic Repair Soon in Chappaqua and Armonk, NY

Congratulations on becoming a homeowner in the Chappaqua and Armonk, NY, areas! Now the fun begins. There aren’t many things more rewarding or fulfilling than taking care of your own home. Unfortunately, sometimes that can come at serious expense and more often than not, the heaviest expenses can be avoided with some due diligence and the help of professionals. The septic tank and system may have passed the home inspection just fine, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t issues lurking beneath the surface. Let’s take a look at five signs that you probably need a septic repair or an inspection.

Related: Tips To Avoid Needing A New Septic Tank This Year In Chappaqua And Pleasantville, NY


Complete backups are an obvious way to know you’re having an issue and you may need, at the very least, a pump-out. If you are trying to flush and sewage is coming through the toilet, you know you’ve got a big problem. Ideally, you can avoid this situation by taking note of when other signs indicate there is a potential problem.

A Smell

Do you smell sewage? Chances are your septic is close to full and it’s struggling to take any more waste. The odors can creep through the drain field, go up your pipes, and out of your sink and tub drains. 

A Weird Sound

Gurgling sounds can sometimes accompany the nasty odors, but you may hear them long beforehand. You are familiar with the noise that your toilets and sinks make when they’re being used. If you hear some noises after use, there is usually a problem. Gurgling sounds do not always indicate that the septic tank is full, but sometimes can tell that you’ve got a clog that is about to cause other issues. It’s best to have the septic repair professionals take a look before it gets to that point that you may need to replace any pipes. Stagnant water can be a warning sign, because it opens the possibility that excavation is needed to work on the drainfield or a damaged septic tank.

A Slow Drain

Slower drains often mean you’ve got a clog. You may be able to address a simple clog, but it is usually wise to have professionals take a look to ensure that the problem is truly solved. While a full septic system can be the cause, if you don’t notice any of the other warning signs, you are probably dealing with a deep clog or backup. The septic main that leaves your house can be clogged by feminine products, diapers, or other objects that do not belong in the toilet far beyond where your over-the-counter drain cleaners and rooting tools will reach.

Changes in the Landscape

Abnormally green grass, vibrant flowers, and perky bushes could make your property look more lovely and appealing but don’t be fooled if these are recently developed changes! If you have an area of your property that seems much more full of life than the rest, and is fairly close to your septic tank/drainfield, you probably have a leak and are going to need to get it resolved before soil fills the tank or clogs your line. The wastewater is providing nutrients to your lawn—but that is not a good thing in the long run. A call to the professionals is probably in order.

Related: If You Are Experiencing These 6 Problems, You May Need A Septic Tank Repair In Mohegan Lake And Ardsley, NY