How to Avoid Buying a New Septic Tank That Will Need Regular Septic Repair in Armonk, NY

How to Avoid Buying a New Septic Tank That Will Need Regular Septic Repair in Armonk, NY

Thinking that your Armonk, NY septic tank is on the brink of being replaced can be a worrisome feeling. After all, the investment is not something you can necessarily plan. Here are some ways to avoid buying a new septic tank by having skilled septic service.

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What does the septic tank do?

A septic tank is the part of the waste removal system of many homes without access to municipal sewer service. The septic system is an environmentally conscious way to handle waste removal from your home as it uses no power but only the force of gravity.

When you flush the toilet or wash dishes in the sink, the water and waste must go somewhere. This waste flows through the pipes of your plumbing to end up in the septic tank.

A septic tank is a large, airtight container that is buried in a low spot of the yard. You wouldn’t know it was there unless you need septic repair as it is covered with dirt and grass just like the rest of the yard.

Once in the septic tank, the waste settles into three layers. The bottom layer is where the solids fall, and beneficial microorganisms begin to break down the waste. These microorganisms are essential to the health and working of your septic system and they are also the reason why you should never flush chemicals or any other harmful substance.

The middle layer is the watery liquids that flow out of the tank and into the drain field where they filter slowly back into the earth. As the water filters, the soil naturally removes impurities and pollutants.

The top layer is composed of grease and oils that won’t filter out and can’t decompose so they just float on top. Since the oils and grease will stay in the tank, this is an excellent reason not to flush them down the drain.

How can you keep your septic tank from repair?

Keep your septic tank from repair by paying attention to the following tips.

  • Don’t flush: You should never flush feminine products, cat litter, cigarette butts, grease, bleach, chemicals, paint thinner, baby diapers, or anything else that can clog the pipes or won’t decompose in the tank. Instead, throw these items in the trash to be taken to the landfill.

  • Don’t park: You shouldn’t park any vehicles or heavy campers on the septic tank. The weight can cause the tank to develop cracks that release gases and waste that belong in an airtight space.

  • Don’t ignore: You should not ignore slow draining tubs, showers, or drains since this can indicate a problem with a pipe blockage. When a pipe gets a small crack, sometimes tree roots find their way into the pipe in search of water. Once there, the roots fill the pipe and whatever is flushed clogs the roots. This can make the drains filter slowly, which needs attention from a septic professional.

  • Don’t overlook: When you see puddles in the yard when there has been no rain, this can indicate a leak somewhere in the septic system path. Another indicator can be when there is a tall, bright green grass patch but the rest of the lawn appears normal.

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