8 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your New Septic Tank in Hawthorne and Chappaqua, NY

8 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your New Septic Tank in Hawthorne and Chappaqua, NY

Caring for your new Hawthorne and Chappaqua, NY, septic tank doesn’t have to be complicated when you follow these 8 tips. Read on for ways to keep your septic system running smoothly.

Related: 6 Ways You Can Protect Your New Septic Installation In Chappaqua, NY

  1. Get regular maintenance: One of the best tips for septic tank and system maintenance can be to schedule regular maintenance with your septic professional. They will examine the system for whether it needs to be pumped for maximum function and ensure that there are no leaks.

  2. Be smart with water: Too much water flowing into the septic tank can cause it not to work properly. Because the tank operates according to the flow of gravity, the water in the tank only filters out at a certain rate. If there is too much water all at once, the tank won’t function well and the water can’t flow out, causing the tank to back-up into your home.

  3. Ensure good drainage: The drain field is where the water goes to leave the septic tank. There it filters back into the ground and the pollutants and debris are removed. When your downspouts and other stormwater drainage flows to the drain field, the field can become saturated and won’t absorb the water.

  4. Park only in parking areas: You should know where the septic tank is buried and where the drain field is located and avoid parking in either of these areas. Parking on the septic tank can cause cracks in the airtight container while parking in the drain field can compact the soil and cause it not to absorb the water.

  5. Take care with flushing: Only flush what should go down the toilet and drains. You should not flush: cat litter, cigarette butts, feminine products, baby diapers, chemicals, and other items that can clog the pipes and the tank. Flushing too much toilet paper at one time or paper towels can cause disruptions to the system.

  6. Pour grease in the trash: When cleaning up from a meal, it can be tempting to pour the cooking grease and oil down the kitchen drain but over time this can clog the pipes and cause issues in the tank. Instead, let the grease cool and dispose of it in the trash.

  7. Plant trees: Trees are amazing in the landscape but not so much in the septic tank. Planting trees near the septic system can allow the roots to penetrate the pipes or tank if they develop the smallest cracks. Once there, the roots will cause the cracks to grow wider which ruins the septic tank.

  8. Find a reputable septic professional: One of the best tips for any homeowner with a septic system can be to find a reliable, trustworthy septic professional. When you find someone who has your best interest at heart, the decisions will be easier to make. Your septic professional should have an extensive understanding of land engineering and best drainage practices. This can ensure that your septic system works in proper fashion and when there is a problem with the system or tank, the professional can explain the issue for you to understand exactly what is causing the problem and the best remedy for your home and your family’s health.

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